The Longest Step

There is a road before me
Shadowed and confused.
They wish me
to walk it�s length.
But oh! I am afraid.
I cannot see the ending
From the beginning
Nor can I guess at it.
          Seem so romantic
Until you live them.
     When mystery becomes life
     And darkness becomes love
That is when the fear becomes all.

There is a road before me.
I fear to walk.
One step more into the darkness,
And I could be lost
Or is it the mystery itself
I fear?
The shuddering depths of the unknown
That threaten me.
It is this that causes
My desperate heart beats.

There is a road before me
They tell me to travel.
One step, only
The longest step of my life.
Past fear, past mystery.
Past romance, past love,
Past ignorance, past knowledge,
The first step
into my life.
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