The Reunion

Today I went with my parents to a family reunion. It was held under a shelter in George C. Smith Park near
Twin City, GA. Theres a beautiful pond there and an old mill. It has camping areas and boat rental. I
would love to rent a boat and travel around in it. The pond has many cypress trees in it. I have been told
thare is good fishing here, and it has lots of black bass, would love to catch one of those. the cypress tree, to me, is a beautiful tree. Its large at the
bottom and has rough bark and small needles. It grows straight and tall and cast a beautiful shadow in the
pond.  When the family gathers there, everyone goes early so we can visit before and after dinner. We renew old ties and talk about old times when we grew up together. We get introduced to all the new family
members from new marriages to new babies. Some of them I always remember, but some I know their faces but can't remember names. We always have a fried turkey, which is very good. Plenty of food, everybody brings two or three special dishes. After the blessing is said we line up and fill our plates. Yevonne always
provides the big ones. Then we go sit down and everyone is still talking about the past and what is
going on with them now. After the meal, the conversation shifts to different people. Its a very
enjoyable time spent with family and friends. The kids have a playground close by for their entertainment. So
the whole group really has a lot of fun. Then about two o'clock, with lots of hugs and "see you next year"
everyone loads up the remainder of their food, or empty dishes, and heads home, already looking forward
o the next reunion. They start this thing on Saturday night with a hayride, I have to make sure and go to that next year.


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