My Road

Over the years as I have traveled down my road of life
there have been many curves, some very sharp. By faith
and trust in God I have slowed down and made it safely
around those curves. Sometimes my road would be
straight and would go by so fast and before I knew
what was happening I would encounter another sharp
curve. There have been times when I am stopped by a
boggy swamp and I wondered how I would ever make it
through there. Then through tear-dimmed eyes of sorrow
and despair, I put my trust in God and watch as he
guides me through. Sometimes I come to a crossroad and
take a wrong turn, but I always manage to get back on
my true road of life. Someday someone's road will join
mine and side by side we will travel our road
together. Sometimes we will come to some curves in our
lives but hand in hand we will take them together. And
when we come to the boggy swamps of life, with our
eyes on God and our arms around each other for
support, we will make it through. What ever comes in
our life, with faith and trust in each other and in
God we will make it.

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