First Flight

When I decided to go to the Nashville Chat Meet my car was on its last legs (or tires) and if I went I knew I would have to fly. So as the time got closer the my car got worse. So I asked my daughter to use her card and book my flight from Savannah and I would give her the money back. So she made the arrangements for me to fly and I thought maybe my car would make it that far anyway. But as time got closer my car gave out and I traded for a newer one. I got a 2001 Ford Focus, hunter green, a really neat car.

Now I could drive up there if I wanted to with no problem, but I decided to stick to my flight plans. It would be my first time flying and I wasn't sure how I would handle it. I had heard of people being very nervous on the first flight, but so far I wasn't nervous about the flying part. When I checked the itinerary I knew I would have to make a connection in Atlanta. That was what made me nervous - what if I got lost in the terminal and missed my connection? What if I couldn't find the right concourse or the right gate and got stranded? I didn't really think I would be afraid of being in the air. But my daughter called and explained it all to me and told me to ask questions, people would be glad to help.

On the day of my flight I had to work until noon then come home, shower, change clothes and load my stuff. I had been packed for a week all but things I would need every day. My other daughter was ready and waiting she was going to drive me to the airport, she and my grandson. So we made it to the airport okay and I had to leave them behind because they can only go so far if not flying. So when I got my boarding pass he told me what gate and what concourse.

After going through the security and having them open my bag a take a 1# bar bell out, that I had forgotten, I went on and found my gate.

No problem!

I was early and the weather was bad in Atlanta so when I asked about my flight to see if I was in the right place they told me I might be able to get on an early flight. They put me on standby seating. I watched my name on the standby list but I wasn't called. So they told me when the next flight would leave and what gate so I went looking.

Again I found the right gate!

Maybe I would be ok after all!

This time my name was called for standby seating and I made an early flight.

It was great no problem with the take off or the climbing to altitude. I wasn't by a window I had an aisle seat but I could still see outside. At first all I could see was cloud because we were in it. Then when we reached the right altitude we were above the rain clouds and it was bright and the sun was shinning on the clouds.

It was beautiful!

The sun making the clouds look silver! And the colors! My ears didn't even hurt when we were climbing! When we approached Atlanta we had to circle once because of the weather, some planes were coming in too close.

Well that didn't scare me.

When we finally set down and everyone got off I checked to find out what gate my next flight would be. It was D something. Well in Atlanta when you go to a different concourse you have to take that train. No place to sit because you wouldn't be there that long anyway. So here we go and man when that announcer says train is coming to a stop to hold on you better listen or wind up in the floor! So I did that ok, I found my gate and got on the plane. Well this one was a bit smaller, a two seater, and not very long like the other one. I had the aisle seat again but this time I was closer to the window and I could see below. The guy in the window seat wa playing with a little hand computer, and I didn't want to bother his concentration, or seem to be prying. So I kept quiet. I could still see outside and as we got closer he put away his computer and we started talking. He said he takes that trip about three times a week. I told him it was my first flight and he said when you fly often you never think about how it is for someone the first time. As we approached Nashville he asked where I was staying and I told him and he said a shuttle would be there to pick me up and I had been told that before. So he pointed out the approximate place the hotel was located and when we landed he waited with me to get our bags. He was very nice because he carried my heavy one and showed me where to meet the shuttle.

The shuttle comes every 15 minutes and I didn't have long to wait.

I arrived ok and walked into the lobby and docklady met me with my room card. I saw everyone sitting there and I stopped for a few minutes to visit then I went to my room to put away my stuff.

I had made it!

No problems and I was almost two hours early. So after a great weekend with friends I was on return flight. This time I knew what to do I didn't get any surprises.

Except one.

On the flight back I was way in the back next to the bathroom. I was with the jet set now I was ok. Even that didn't bother me but I couldn't see a thing but the rear wings, and when you've seen one, you've seen them all, nothing great about rear wings, so I slept.

No problem in Atlanta making connections.

Then to Savannah and my daughter was there to pick me up. I slept on the way home as it was pretty late and I had to be at work at 4 am the next morning. So next year I will fly again. I get there in less time and I am not tired out.

But next time I will try to get a window seat!


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