Great Granny Rhoda

My great grandmama, my grandmothers mother, died when I was kinda small maybe about five or six. But there are so many things I can remember about her. I remember she was great with flowers. All she had to do was stick a sprig in the ground and put a jar over it and it would grow. She always had so many beautiful flowers in her yard. There was a hand operated water pump out in her yard and it had a hewed out log under it to catch the water. It was always full because she watered her flowers from this log. I have never tasted water any better than water from an iron pump and hers was always the best.

I remember she always had a peppermint log she kept wrapped up in the top of her shiferobe, a sort of clothes cabinet with drawers on one side and a long mirrow on a door for hanging clothes on the other side. When my brother and I came over she would always crack us off a piece of that peppermint. We always looked forward to a visit. She didn't live far away from us maybe only a mile or two so we visited often. She never seemed to be out of peppermint.

I remember she would roast and grind her own coffee. She had a coffee mill on the wall in her kitchen and when she had her coffee roasted she would use this to grind it up. The smell of freshly ground coffee would be all over the house. She used a wood stove to cook with and the heat had to be just right for roasting coffee.

I remember sometimes she would sit out on her porch in one of those highbacked homemade chairs and smoke a little clay pipe. She seemed to enjoy it so much, she would sit there with her leg over her other knee, swinging it slightly and calmly smoking her little pipe. I don't think she was a regular smoker I think that was just her guiet time. She used george washington tobacco, it came in an oblong tin can. I still have one of those cans. It has other little things from my past there too.

I remember the Sunday right before or right after her birthday, the closest to June 6, she had a family gathering. She and her two daughters that lived with her and my grandmother would start cooking the week before. And on Sunday morning the men would get the tables ready. The tables were boards laid over other boards nailed to two posts. Then clean white sheets were placed on the tables in preparation for the food to come. Sometimes there were about eight of those tables or more, depending on how much food we had. Then people started arriving bringing four or five of their own special dishes of food and put them on the tables. Sometimes there was as much as a hundred people or more and way more food than we could all eat. A prayer of thanks was always said before the meal and everyone was made welcome. There were kids everywhere and lots of room to play. Lots of the people that came to her "gathering" weren't even family members but they may as well have been because everyone was welcome. No one was ever turned away. My granny was very famous for her "gatherings". Sometimes guitars or fiddles would appear and we had music. Everyone had plenty to eat and people were always going back to the table for an extra taste of their favorite. The people from fartherest away would start drifting off first. But no one left a mess, it was all cleaned up and the sheets put away to be washed and ready for the next "gathering". I think she always kept those sheets seperate from her others. Sometimes the people that lived closer wouldn't leave till the late afternoon.

There are lots of things I remember about my granny but those are the things that stand out in my memories and the fact that I knew she loved my brother and me. I also remember the night she died, she was 88 years old. She raised three daughters alone after her husband died and helped in the rearing of the children of the two daughters that still lived with her. And they have all been good people.

When she died the church was filled to overflowing and the windows and doors were opened so those outside could hear the services. She was a very well liked lady and I am proud to be her great grandaughter!

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