The Storm

One evening a few years ago, I was alone at home. I don't remember where the childern were maybe they were at their grandparents I am not sure. My husband was away on a job. A storm came up, pretty bad with lots of rain and wind. Ordinarily I love storms but I think what made me afraid this time was the wind. Since living in Kansas, sometimes called "tornado alley" I have been afraid of a tornado. Especially since it seemed I brought them back to Georgia. Anyway this time the wind was very strong and it kept shifting. It would blow one way then the other and the rain with it. I walked from the front door to the back door, very nervous. I was standing at the back door when I saw an oak tree in our back yard quietly fall. No sound, it just fell! It must have been maybe eighteen inches in diameter. The rain and wind was loud enough that there was no sound when it fell. I was so afraid that the house would fall in around me or be blown away with me in it. Then all of a sudden I was at peace I wasn't afraid anymore. I looked out at the storm again and I decided that if anything was going to happen, there was nothing I could do about it. It was up to God what would happen. So finally at peace with the storm raging outside, I calmly walked to my couch and lay down and went to sleep. I don't know how long the storm lasted but it was over when I woke up and a slow calm rain was falling. I still love a storm but I am not so afraid of the wind anymore.


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