Still Flying

Have you been out for a Sunday drive, or maybe a walk in your neighborhood lately? If your neighborhood is like mine you see flags everywhere. Some may be only 3x5 inches or they may be 3x5 feet or bigger. You can see flag decals on cars proudly flying on windows. They have them on radio antenna. You can see flags on T-shirts most any day, not just for Independence day. The factories can't make them fast enough. The stores sell out as soon as they come in. Not in many years has our country displayed our symbol of freedom so proudly. Flags are tacked up on the sides of buildings. There is a house in town that has some of the small ones stuck out on the lawn. There are some on mailboxes. Not far away from me there are a few small ones taped to fence posts on the edge of a pasture. There are flags displayed on doors and in windows. In some places there are red, white, and blue ribbons hanging in trees or on mailboxes and doors. People are wearing flag pins, guys have small flags on their caps. Doesn't it make you proud and make a tear come to your eye that we are all united in one cause? Do you realize that most of the other countries of the world are united with us? I think that the man responsible for that day in September is in trouble. With so many people against him he will never find a hole deep enough to crawl into. Even so, one day he will stick out his head. The eagle will be waiting. He will catch him in his talons of freedom and bring him to justice. So patience America! It will be done!

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