The Beach at Sunrise

Its Saturday morning at Myrtle Beach. It was such fun to see everyone when I got here yesterday. And after a good nights sleep I rise just before dawn. Now I can do what I have been planning for weeks. I want to run on the beach as the sun comes up. So I get up early and open the door to the balcony. Its not too cool for shorts which are best for running. Shorts give your legs freedom of movement. So with a comfortable pair of shorts and an over size t-shirt and barefoot I head for the beach. I start out walking but I feel the urge to run. I have to control myself, don't run too soon. The muscles need to stretch and warm up. After a few hundred yards I can hold back no longer. I start sprinting down the beach. There are others out walking in the early morning. Soon the sun starts to top the horizon. Everyone stops! We all stand there and watch the glorious beginning of a new day. A group of teens sit huddled on the beach. A young couple with a tiny baby with a carrier like a wrap. As the sun rises she turns the baby to get the first warm rays on the little face. No one moves, its a beautiful moment,everyone faces the rising sun. It comes up red and beautiful. A clear sign of a hot day ahead. We all watch in awe as the sun rises completely out of the water. Some take snapshots to relive a memory and to share with others. When its up completely, every one goes back to walking, or running in my case. The young couple with the baby turn back toward the hotel. I continue my run/walk. Its great! A dream fulfilled. I am exilarated! I go almost to pier and turn and come back. Go back to my room, shower and dress. Then I go down to meet the others for breakfast. None of them know what they have missed. My heart is happy I have fulfilled a dream.


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