Fort Pulaski From the Past

Yesterday my daughter and I and a friend decided to go to Tybee Beach. But we decided to stop off at Fort Pulaski on the way. We got a late start because I had to work till one o'clock. Anyway, she had everything ready and we got underway. She drove so I could study, but I did a lot of napping too. The day was very nice, kind of breezy. When we got to the turn off we found we didn't have long, the gates would close soon. We paid our fare and started inside. At the entrance there is a bridge across a moat, we saw some fish there and sometimes one would jump. We didn't tarry here long, we went on inside and it looked like it was made up of mounds. But that was the outside and the guardrooms. Then we passed through some very sturdy looking doors to the inside grounds. There were huge doors all around. We toured the grounds and rooms from the quardrooms to the officers quarters and looked through the gun ports. You could almost see the Federals firing on the fort from the trees and scrubs. Some places had speakers to turn on and hear a part of the battle. Standing outside the fort commanders quarters and hearing the story of his fear for the life of his men you can almost hear the battle as it rages on. There is only one thing left to do and he surrenders. Out in the middle of the grounds you can almost see the soldiers as they march forward and surrender their arms. You can hear the clink of metal as the guns and swords are stacked beside the tables. In your mind you can see the tears of despair in the eyes of the soldiers as they march back in formation and stand tall and proud. They may be defeated but their pride is still strong. As we start to leave in my heart is a new pride in the history of the past. How even tho defeated, they still had their pride and dignity. As I start to leave I look back and see the guards standing tall and proud. As I walk away I stand taller and my heart is light. I am not prejudiced in any way nor is this meant to be. I am only proud of how we stood tall in defeat.


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