By the Sea

When you lie beside the ocean
Do you see the waves in motion
Doesn't it make you ponder
About how far it wanders
Do you hear the sound it makes
The energy it takes
Does the sound give you peace
Do all your troubles cease
Can you sometimes see a storm
Sit and watch it as it forms
See the sky get dark as night
Watch the lightening strike a light
Watch it as it splits the sky
Such awesome power what a sight
But when the clouds are blown away
And the beach is once more safe
Walk along the beach with care
Look for all the treasures there
Many shells have washed ashore
Keep looking you'll see more
All sizes and colors there
And sometimes there's a pair
Watch the birds that ride the waves
Looking for the fish they crave
Walk along the shore at night
When there's only a moon for light
And when you rise before the dawn
Sit there and watch a new day born
Such a lovely sight to see
Just a minute, wait for me

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