Remember always

Its been a year since the attack on America. So many of us have changed because of it. We are more aware of our imortality, and of each other. Our songs are more patriotic, our people also, with flags flying everywhere. We are more aware of what is going on in our neighborhood, our state, and our country. We have become united again, we are one nation, under God, indivisible. We have new hero's, a more common man just like us, everyday heros. A special hero for young children to look up too and be a better person. For a time most of the world was united in one cause, to end the threat of terrorism. Although the job isn't complete we are still in persuit. We need more security with people entering this country, more security in our government buildings and our military bases, here and abroad. Our government must stay cool and look at every situation from all angles. Be sure that what we do is right before a move is made. The eyes of the world are on us waiting for us to make a mistake, especially those that have been against us. As we stand united, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, we are one color, one faith, a united family. So keep the faith, be proud of who you are, for you are above all a proud citizen of a great country founded in persuit of freedom. Long may this freedom resound in the hearts of all of us. Never forget those that died to give us this freedom and those who fought and survived. Remember them always they are our brothers and sisters.

God bless our Nation and our people,


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