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The term "The Golden Hour" was originally coined by
Dr. R. Adams Cowley of the Maryland Institute for Emergency
Medical Services , who is regarded as the pioneer of modern
trauma care.
Dr. Cowley advocated that most of the patients die of Shock ,
which comed from sluggish or nonexistent circulation and the
resulting chemical changes in the body.
He believed that most trauma patients could be saved if he
could stop the bleeding and restore blood pressure within one
Patients who have experienced shock for more that one hour
will likely die.
Surgical intervention within that one hour , therefore , is critical
for increasing the patient's chance of survival.
This hour , called "The Golden Hour" , begines the moment of
injury occurs.
The Golden Hour Traumatic injury is one of the top three causes
of death in the United States.
If you are under 45 years of age , it is the leading cause of death.
This critical period is the "Golden Hour" and chances of survival
increases dramatically if trained professionals stop the bleeding ,
treat the injury , and restore blood pressure.

Paramedic Neomi Zvi - Feb 2000

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