The Star of Life
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Aesculapius - The God of Medicine
Caduceus - The Symbol of Medicine


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Aesculapius , in Roman mythology ,
the God of Medicine , equivalent to the Greek
Asclepius , in Greek mythology , God of Medicine , was
the son of the God
Apollo and Coronis , a woman
Thessaly (Thessalia) .  Angry because Coronis was
unfaithful to him , Apollo killed her and later sent
Asclepius to be raised by the centaur
Asclepius learned the art of healing from Chiron and
became a great physician.
Because Asclepius threatened the natural order by raising
people from  the dead , the God
Zeus (his grandfather)
killed him.

Aesculapius - The God of Medicine (Click on the pic to enlarge)
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Apollo , in Greek mythology , son of the God Zeus and Leto , and twin brother of the
goddess Artemis. He was also known as Delian , drived from Delos , where he was
born , and as a Pythian - from his killing of the fabled python who guarded a shrine
on Mount Parnassus.
In Homeric legend , Apollo gave the gift of prophecy to Troyan princess Cassandra.
A gifted musician , a master archer , and a swift athlete , Apollo was protector of
young men , God of agriculture , and the God of light and truth.
He taught humans the art of healing.

Moses - The  Hebrew Prophet

Moses , Hebrew prophet and lawgiver , founder of the
Jewish people.  The of his life ia set forth principally in
the Old Testament.  Moses was born in ancient Egypt ,
where the Hebrews lived at that time.
When the Pharaoh , the Egyptian ruler , ordered the death
of all Hebrew  male infants , Moses's mother set him afloat
on the Nile River in a basket.

He was rescued by the Pharaoh's daughter , who brought the infant up as
her own child.
As an adult , Moses killed an Egyptian that abused one of the Hebrew's slaves and
fled from Egypt , living as a shapherd until he was 80 years of age.  At this time ,
Yahweh , the God of the Hebrews , commanded Moses to lead his people out of the
bondage in Egypt.  After covincing the Pharaoh to release the Hebrews , Moses let
them toward Cnnaan (Israel).
A miracle allowed the Hebrews to cross the Red Sea and destroyed an Egyptian army
that came upon them.  When the Hebrews reached Mount Sinai , Moses ascended
the mountain , where Yahweh gave him the Ten Commanments.
After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness , the Hebrews came at last to Cnnaan
Israel) ,but Moses died without entering the promised land.
Moses was reputedly the author of the Pentateuch (First five books of the Old


Paramedic Neomi Zvi - Feb 2000

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