Single Mothers in Wisconsin
This site was developed by Ashley and Christine, two single mothers in a Women's Studies Class at the Univesity of Wisconsin - Colleges Online.  We both know how hard every aspect of being a single mother is and have learned how much it helps to talk with others in the same situation.  We have the most precious and rewarding job there is, doing it on our own is a major challenge, but we can help each other... you could be an inspriation to others and they could be yours. 
Our Mission
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Being a parent means that you have struggles and questions every day.  Being a single mother means these issues are even more prevalent.  We are here to help each other!  Ask and answer questions, give and receive support.  Working together, we can accomplish anything!
"We hope this website gives you strength, a laugh, some solitude, peace and a new outlook...stay strong, have will prevail and so will your children!" Ashley
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