Goemon's Great Adventure
Alternate Costumes
Enable four player mode. Then go to the prediction house. You will be able to change costumes.

Defeat Dochuki's final form
Avoid Dochukis first two attacks (Bite and Eye Beam or Poison Snot) before countering with an attack of your own. When he is stunned, charge towards him and press Up. You will crawl into his mouth and see his tonsils, his weak point. Attack his tonsils savagely before he spits you out.
(Note: During the encounter, the far right wall offers security from most of Dochukis attacks.)

Four-Player Mode
Have controllers in all four slots. Then play the game with one or two players. Find 44 hands from various levels. Then on the third and fourth controllers hold C-Right + Start.

Move hola-hoop faster at Game Over screen
Highlight Try Again at the game over screen and repeatedly tap A.

Mushroom Hunt (Chapter 3)
With 0 lives, go to Tomb Pass. Collect as many mushrooms as you can before the final minute. Then kill your character. At the game over screen, select Continue and go to Maneater Road mushroom hunt. The mushrooms collected from the previous hunt will be credited to the current one. In addition, the time limit is rest to 12 minutes.

Unlimited lives trick
(Note: This cheat requires a memory card.)

Collect 100 coins in EDO before advancing to Lostn Town. When you arrive, go to the store  the second building on the right where blue curtains hang in doorway - and buy all the Sushi you can afford. Leave the store and enter the Inn (the building with a small door and white banner) and save your game. Reset console and load saved game. You will continue your quest with the additional lives saved and 100 coins. You can repeat for even more lives.
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