Carrie's Second Costume
At the very top of the Tower of Sorcery, just before the exit, look out and you will see a torch on a floating platform. Use holy water to see the invisible path that leads to the purple jewel in the torch which unlocks secret #2, Carrie's 2nd outfit, after you finish the game.

Easy Money
In the Castle Center, in the room where you fight the Abomination, (The Really Big Bull) there is a crate in the left of where the big crystal is. Whack it three times, and 2000g will be yours. Now save and repeat. You will get a lot of G!

Finding Secrets
If you press the ACTION button when in front of most statues you will recieve a roast chicken or a roast beef. Sometimes reading the clues on these staues will tell you of other hidden surprises. Also, ledges containing secrets can be accessed by just jumping straight up and pulling your character to the top.

Get Special2 Easy
Most people get the Execution Key to get the Special2 in the Execution Tower, but if you find a Skull Cannon and the ledge behind it has an Iron Maiden, you can use the hidden ledges to pull yourself up there. You don't even need the key!

Hard Difficulty
To obtain the hard difficulty setting you must get the first green jewel that releases secret #1 on the item list. It is located in the forest stage in a torch upon a floating platform.
Once you've done that, finish the game with either character. After the ending sequences and credits, you will be able to save your game and select a new, previously unaccessible HARD difficulty mode.

Hidden Powerup before Dracula
When you are climbing the stairs up towards Draculas lair, you pass through two towers before reaching the final tower. At the last tower, jump onto either of the two torches and shimmy around the ledge to the other side. There you will find a breakable torch with a Red Jewel and a floating platform. You can walk to the platform on thin air by walking straight toward it from the torch with the Red Jewel. Inside you will find a Healing Kit, helpful for the major battle(s) to come.
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