All-Star Baseball '99
Alien Abductors
At the "Enter Cheats" screen enter the cheat code of "ATEMYBUIK. This will now enable an alien themed stadium called Alienapolis at the bottom of the stadium select list.
When you play on this field the 2nd team will be aliens on a team called the"Abductors". The players remain the same except for their appearance.

Backwards Batters
When you are already into a game, pause it and go to the change lineup option. Then replace your batter with a different batter that bats the same way. Go back to the game long enough just to see you batter. Then go to the change lineup option again replace your batter with a batter that bats opposite of him. Then go look at your batter and he will be backwards.

Enter BBNSTRDS  at the cheat menu and your baseball will be beachball sized.

Characters Big
To access this code, go to the enter cheat menu and type GOTHELIUM. Go into the game and the players body parts and bats should be enlarged.

Cal Ripken Glitch
When playing at Camden Yards the scoreboard in centre field always has Cal Ripken's stats and says it's the bottom of the seventh inning.

Enter the following code at the titles screen to enable a credits option: R, A, Z, R, C-Right, A, B.
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