Hero of the Month: Odysseus

It's that time of month again... when the Neohomeridae sift through the ranks of soldiers and pick the silliest to bring under your eye! Here we go, with everyone's favourite degenerate!

Name: Odysseus
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Brown
Height: Although in the Odyssey he's called "tall," this is probably just stock Homeric syllable-balancing. However, when Helen reviews the Achaean troops, he is described as being the shortest of those in her sight. Personally, I've always imagined him to be a Little Person.
Build: Barrel-chested, though this may be a euphumism for "beer-bellied."
Blood Type: AB- (the "universal taker" in blood transfusions)
Weapon of Choice: A finely honed wit
Archnemesis: Poseidon, spooky Sea-God
Best Friend/Sidekick: Telemachus, spooky son
Family: Groovy! Lives with like-minded wife Penelope and aforementioned Telemachus.
Curses: Often.
Personality Traits: Sneaky and brilliant; greedy and bloody-minded.
Also Known As: "Father of Telemachus," "God-like", "Glory of the Greeks."
Zodiac Symbol (probable): Sagitarius
Hobbies: Stealin' stuff, dressing up as a hobo
Life in Brief: Born in Ithaca. He went off to the wars, slit an old king's throat while he was sleeping to steal his horses, murdered his supplicants, ripped off his fellow Achaians, got beaten for his insolence by Agamemnon, invented the Trojan Horse, dressed like a hobo, stole the Luck of Troy, pissed off Poseidon, and spent too long getting home (cursed? Yeah right. He was busy wooing the hot nymphs on the exotic islands on the way home). The first thing he did when he got home was to dress like a hobo. He ended off his appearance in mythology by getting together with Telemachus and murdering hundreds of unarmed guests in his house gleefully.

Can't get enough Hero of the Month? Away to the Archives, ho!


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