Hero of the Month: Hector

Name: Hector Priamson
Hair: Messy from wearing that bloody "flashing helmet" all the time.
Eye Colour: Dark, mysterious... with a "merry twinkle" that may well be interpreted to mean "murderous gleam."
Height: Tall.
Build: Rippling muscles, six-pack chested, deityesque--in short, buff!
Blood Type: O-. Hector gives to all!
Weapon of Choice: A sturdy javelin.
Archnemesis: Paris--the ultimate little brother.
Best Friend/Sidekick: Polybius, a wise advisor/rockin' charioteer.
Family: Well, it's royal, and Hector IS the favourite son of King Priam, but this hardly makes up for having a horrific sibling like Paris "Can I Come Too, Guys?" Priamson.
Curses: Again... Paris.
Personality Traits: Bold, self-sacrificial, vengeful, rash, tall dark and handsome... typical anime "Bishy villain who isn't."
Also Known As: "Tamer of Horses." (Well, all the good cognomens were taken, I guess.)
Zodiac Symbol (probable): He fits best with the Chinese Zodiac--Ox.
Hobbies: (to be said in a low rumbly Rammstein/Rainier Wolfcastle voice) Hector works hard, and he plays hard. Note his muscles gleaming in the sun as he works out in the Palace's courtyard. The expression of grim joy on his face as he swordfights with his many siblings. The dark hatred as he views his wishy-washy, snivelly, snot-nosed brother Paris. Watch him now as he returns from battle in a manly fashion to greet his lovely wife Andromache and his little baby son. Jah. Hector is testosterone wrapped in sweat coated with macho. But he is also kind, and a man of fashion, occassionally indulging in a belt of the finest Tydean purple.

Can't get enough Hero of the Month? Away to the Archives, ho!

To Troy!

EST. 2001
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