Hero of the Month: Deiphobos

Oh, we're sorry. We're truly sorry. But it just had to happen! While we're waiting for a spiffy new Hero of the Month for July, we'll have to endure the bland horrors of Deiphobos. After all the cracks we've been making about him here and there, the poor guy deserves a Hero of the Month. So let's all give a good round of sympathy applause to...

Name: Deiphobos Priamson
Hair: Nooooobody knoooowwwss...
Eye Colour: Nooooobody caaaarrrres...
Height: ?
Build: See height.
Blood Type: Possibly without blood. We're not sure.
Weapon of Choice: Ask again later.
Archnemesis: Too lame to have a real one, but he's aggravating enough to be killed in a fit of rage by Menelaus.
Best Friend/Sidekick: Possibly--possibly--Paris. They're both wishy washy types, though (sad to say) Paris was more important.
Family: Deiphobos is one of the many children of Priam, and is thus a prince. However, just because he's royal doesn't mean he's important. He was probably about as significant to Priam as PDQ Bach was to ol' J.S.
Curses: Anonymity!
Personality Traits: By now, you should probably have postulated that he has none. He's Mr. Generic himself! However, when Menelaus came rushing in to find Helen at the end of the Sack of Troy, he finds Deiphobos rolling around in Helen's bed. That's the closest Deiphobos ever comes to DOING anything.
Also Known As: "Some Guy."
Zodiac Symbol (probable): Virgo. He WAS unknown, after all. ^_^
Hobbies: Girls. More specifically, hanging around until guys get killed, then cashing up his brownie points to make passes at their widows.

Can't get enough Hero of the Month? Away to the Archives, ho!

To Troy!

EST. 2001
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