Parrot-lovers hall of fame

photo of woman kissing parrot

Mr. Robert Bayles manages the #Ronolog support channel on the Undernet IRC network.

The original version of Ronolog used the popular Microsoft Agent character ("avatar") Peedy. Many people helped Peedy when his feathers were wet and he was just being trained to understand Internet Relay Chat. His original very special friends around the world include (alphabetically):

Peedy and other talking characters can be used with the current version of Ronolog. However, Ronolog now bundles a kennel of 10 dogs who take Peedy's place. They were housebroken with the help of:

The blind do not enjoy access to inexpensive software like the sighted do. Leslie Lee Elms should be credited with persevering in spite of this and making someone who could help a little more aware of it.

Thanks of course to Khaled Mardam-Bey, author of mIRC, not only for making such a useful IRC chat client available, but also for building it in a way which permits its extension by tools like Ronolog.

Finally, kudos to the Agent technology crew at Microsoft which hatched Peedy and thereby made a wonderful text-to-speech engine from Lernout & Hauspie available to the world at no cost - in an engaging personality as well!

We also thank Mardovar Kennels for generously granting Digi Tel Vision a token-fee license to use the likeness of "GoFurr" to create the Agent characters bundled with the current version of Ronolog.

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