Angela Homan

School: Spencerville
Hometown: Delphos
Age: 17
PR's: 800 - 2:21
       1600 - 5:05
       3200 - 10:59.88
       5k XC - 17:52
Major Achievements:  1998 State XC Runner-up; 1999, 2001 State XC Champion; 3200 State Track runner-up; 1600 3rd place in 2000; 3200 State Track  Champion, 1600 3rd place in 2001
1. Ohio Girls XC: At this year's state meet, it appeared that you took it out a lot easier than last year and you looked in control the whole race.  Was that your plan?

AH:  Last year in all of my meets that I had major competition I took it out pretty fast (5:22 mile for district(s) and regional(s)).  That strategy may not have worked too well at last year's state meet (where I went out in) 5:20.  This year my coaches encouraged me to pace myself in all of my races as well as for the state race (where I went out in) 5:30.

2.  OGXC: Speaking of last year...You ran one of the most legendary races in Ohio XC history, pressing the pace the whole way only to collapse on the homestretch.  What exactly happened to you in that race? 

AH:  I don't know for sure what were the contributing factors for what happened to me last year.  I think it was a combination of nerves, dehydration, and running extremely hard (for) 4 weeks in a row.  I have never felt like that before or since.

3.  OGXC:  Coming up on Nov. 24th is the Footlocker Midwest Regional, how do you weigh your chances of qualifying to nationals?

AH:  My hope is to go out and run my best.  I would love to finish in the top 8, but I know that the competition will be tough. 

4.  OGXC:  Continuing from the previous questions, what are you goals for this upcoming track season and what are your long-term running goals?

AH:  My goals for the upcoming track season are to continue to run well and improve on my performances every time out.  As you know, I am planning on running for Auburn Universtiy next year.  I guess you could say my long-term goals will be to contribute to the continued growth and success of the Auburn Tiger family.

5.  OGXC:  What is a typical week of training like for you?

AH:  Sunday - Long easy run;  Monday - intervals;  Tuesday - long run;  Wednesday - intervals;  Thursday - less mileage;  Friday - jog;  Saturday - 5k race

6.  OGXC:  What type of training did you do this summer to prepare for XC?

AH:  Summer Training?  My team and I went to a running camp called "Camp Fitch."  We ran between 60 and 70 miles that week.  This provided a great start to training for our school season.  I would recommend this camp to anyone. (This camp rocks!)  We were fortunate to meet some outstanding runners, one of which included my good friend, Carime Reinhart, and the whole Hopewell-Loudon Team.  (Just had to say that!)  After Fitch, my weekly average mileage was about 40 to 45 miles.  I usually ended the week with a local 5k road race.  Next summer, I plan on including Camp Fitch in my summer program again.  (It was really that good for me!)

7. OGXC:  What type of program does Spencerville use if you had to characterize it?

AH:  I guess you would characterize my running program as Spencerville as "high mileage"

8.  OGXC:  Who was the most influential person in your running career?  Who got you started in the sport?

AH:  The most influential person in my running career is my cross country coach, Brian McMichael.  I am so lucky to have benefited from his 30 years of coaching experience.  During my 7th grade track season he encouraged me to run XC the following school year.  I was a little skeptical at first, but I learned to love the sport.

9.  OGXC:  Okay, one for fun.  If you could go on a run with anyone in the world, past or present, who would it be and why?

AH:  OK, just for fun!  I would probably love to run with the President.

10.  OGXC:  You recently chose to attend Auburn.  What other schools did you seriously consider attending, and what made you choose Auburn?

AH:  I took 11 unfoffical visits throughout the country and narrowed my choice of schools to Ohio State, Vanderbilt, N.C. State, Purdue, and Auburn.  Each shcool offered something special, but I chose Auburn because I loved the atmosphere on campus, the community, the coaching staff, and my future teammates.

11.  OGXC:  Did you ever participate in any other sports?

AH:  Yes.  Basketball, Soccer, and Softball.

12.  OGXC:  What are some of your interests outside of running?

AH:  Snow skiing, shopping, travel, and sewing.

13.  OGXC:  Okay, it's the long awaited last question!  So, Angela, any words of wisdom or advice for other runners or anything else you'd like to say?

AH:  Hard work pays off!  In running you will periodically encounter setbacks, but if you keep working hard, good things will happen.  My dad has this quote in his office which says "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."  I guess that's true for anything we do. 

Good Luck to all the ladies going to Footlocker Regionals!!!
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