Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Yo all ppl! Guess what? It's my dear friend Nicole's birthday to day! Yay! Well I've got another volleyball tryout tommorrow morning, wish me luck! We had a supply teacher in french today as well. Once again, there is nothing much new!TTFN
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Thursday, September 20, 2001

Hi peoples! Guess what, I made the first cut in volleyball, but I probably won't make the final team. Everyone else is so good! Oh well at least I survived this long!TTFN
Friday, September 21, 2001

Hi. I truly say nothing exciting happened today. It rained. That's about it. Okay. Whatever. TTFN
Saturday, September 22, 2001

Hello! Kristine came over today and we did lots of stuff! Then we went to the mall, it was fun. Then I stayed at her house for dinner and we watched The Legend Of Baggar Vance. It actually wasn't that bad! Pretty long though I have to say. TTFN
Monday, September 24, 2001

Hey everyone! Guess what I did today YESTERDAY! I went apple picking at a farm with my mom and dad. Good ol' family fun eh? Then my mom took my to the mall and got me jeans, a sweater, and a belt all from Bluenotes and Old Navy. After that we went to my grandma's house for a totally yummy and filling lunch. How was your day? TODAY was boring and normal for meTTFN
Wednesday, September 26, 2001

What up ya'll! We had a french test today on the verbs avoir, etre, and aller. Also on futur proche, the numbers 1-100 and les accents. It was just TOO easy! My mom is going to sign me up to a volleyball club with my pal liss! That is one thing to look forward to!TTFN
Thursday, September 27, 2001

Hey all peeps! I have to say that writing in this public journal EVERY DAY has been tiring. I think that I will take a break for once. I am NOT going to write in this journal for the next week or so. thanx 4 your time.TTFN
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