Cool Clicks
Hi! Do you like surfing the web? Well let me keep you updated on the hottest sites, and why they're the bomb. Links to the       most awsome sites for everyone!
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top 4 coolest sites:
Wow! This has got to be the most entertaining site I have been on! Sign up, create a username. You can choose from tons of different species from planet "Neopia".  Name them, choose their characteristics and colour, but you gotta take care of them! Feed them so they don't go hungry, play with with them so they don't get bored, take care of them so they don't get sick. You must keep up your neopoints though(that is like money) so you can afford these neccessities. Why not open up your own neoshop to make some extra points? Get your pet a job(might require job coupons), or even a pet of their own! Your pets gain levels as they get older, and you can even battle other neopets in a battledome. You need special items for that as well. It also might help if you get your pet abilities, by bying a "faerie in a bottle". What else can you do? ecards and faerie quests and much much much more on Almost exactly like owning a real pet of your own!
my neopet I.D:volleychick214
Cool! You can find many funny, touching, and hip ecards on this particular site. Believe me, I myself use it all the time! It's a great, fun way to say "how's it going" to your friend down in the States, or even accross the ocean! has a plentiful variety of ecards with a kick. Ecards that say I love you. Ecards that say Don't forget. Ecards that say What's Up. And some just to let someone know you care. I highly recommend it!
A great search engine sight, quite like yahoo. only this has hotmail, a slightly better email service. With web chat and msn messenger service, this is a definite must visit. This site also has tons of great electronic greetings (ecards).  There so many chat rooms that you can't even imagine. You can even create your own room! Enter as guest and form a temporary nickname, or sign up and get a permanent nickname, so no one but you can have it! Enjoy!
Harry Potter fan? This site is great! You can become a student  at Hogwarts, and get sorted into your house. Read the daily prophet, print bookmarks, send postcards, download screensavers, and more! You can even go to Olivanders wand shop and find the wand that suits you! Mine is unicorn hair, Willow, 10 inches. What is yours?
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Other Cool Clicks for you: -The official j14 magazine website great ecard site neopets sponser, where you can find the homepages of all your favourite cartoon characters official website of the YTV station
-kids entertainment and communication website of chat applets, instant messaging, and much more

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Click The Monkey For Another Cool Website!                       
This awsome site lets you see the votes and rankings of the different services on diffent sites, for example, chat rooms.
It will tell you if the chat is free, or how much it costs, the reviews, and the votes for the best chats.  You can also view the stats of the instant messaging services!
A wicked website for kids ages 8-14 years. You select a username, and you can chat, have your own email account, write in your diary, vote on polls, play games, win prizes, and much more! You should definitely check out this site!
This Week's Poll
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