The Neapolitan Mastiff Super Information Highway
Helping You Learn About Our Breed
Cheap Chewable Toys
There are many Toys on the market, but a Neapolitan pup can destroy them,
in no time flat. After a while it becomes expensive to replace these toys.
Chew Toys Or Your Furniture!!
I have searched for the best toy for my pup, I have come up with a 2 litter plastic bottle. I use empty 2 litter bottles for my Neo pup. After all the Pepsi is gone, Screw the cap back on and toss it to the pup. He loves them. Still too young to pop the plastic bottle, he would chase it for hours around the house and yard, trying to get it.. Endless hours of fun for young Neo pups. 

Now that Russ is older, and can pop the plastic bottles, he still loves to chase them and destroy them in the yard. He has learned from an early age that the plastic bottles are his and he tends to leave other things alone.   

         Russell with one of his million plastic soda bottles

Keeso Neapolitan Mastiff's
Toy of choice, the plastic soda bottle.
Ironstone Nigeria
Mastino Kennels
And they say its a indestructible ball!
Lion Proof! LOL
Liberty, Lucky & Blue Octopus
Owned By: Gail Johnson
Our Neo Liberty loves to play with stuffed toys.  Plush Puppies makes a line of giant stuffed toys.  I found hers at Petsmart.  They have octopuses and turtles, both with really long legs.  She likes to chew and shake them. I've attached a picture of her and Lucky with one.  She's not a rough chewer but did manage to give her turtle a labotomy but he's been repaired.
Please be aware of the obvious, Small pieces or balls CAN choke your Neo. 
I know of a Neo that choked on a very popular toy, called the Kong. 
It is important to find the right size toy for your Neo. 
Do you have a "home made toy" you use for your Neo's? Please send in your ideas to share with other and future Neo owners! 
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