Information Highway
Helping you learn about our breed
The Neapolitan Mastiff
Sore Feet / Sores on the Feet 
Sore feet seems to happen when the dogs in the U.S. live outdoors in humid or rainy 
areas where the grounds are often wet. It is caused as a Fungal or Bacterial infections  
that occurs on the bottoms of the feet. The Neo's licking makes for "Licking Paw Syndrome". See Below.
Lick Paw Syndrome: 
Is caused when the dog licks its feet enough so that it is breaking the skin down. The digestive enzymes in the saliva allow for the break down of the skin. Often these are large swollen sometimes red or irritated areas on the feet. 
Things to Try to Clear this up: 

1. Keep the feet clean and dry (you can use corn starch to help keep the feet dry). 
2. Buy athlete foot spray with Miconizol, spray affected area twice daily. 
3. Give Cephalexin antibiotic. 

If that doesn't work then: 
1. Buy Nitrofurizone ointment. 
2. Clean the feet. 
3. If blisters are present lance with a clean needle, squeeze the liquid out. 
4. Apply a liberal amount of Nitrofurizone ointment. 
5. Either place booties on the feet, or place a Medi-collar on the dog. 
6. Also give the dog Cephalex antibiotic.
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