This is a 3x4 ft painting I did of my life. Done in greys except one color for emphasis, it shows a broken, dented body that needs work.

Click on it for Coma stories of mine.

I had an idea for two cut-out people, ADAM and EVE, on there way to the beach. Made of masonite painted with acrylics, my plan is to have them visit as many beaches as possible and have a picture to show where they were at- a postcard sent to friends when on a visit. I took them to the local beaches from Balboa to Long Beach taking pictures, but I want them to go to far away locations. They did go to Mexico with a friend, but I don't have the pictures yet to put here. This site will become  a "Where's Waldo" for Adam and Eve on their World tour.
                   click on photo for more of  Where's Adam and Eve? 

Here I am in back of the Museum of Latin American Art where I worked with kids on projects of Art & Crafts supplied by the museum. The kids in turn helped me to paint wooden signs for an Art event called Wheels in Motion that I began in Downtown Long Beach to compliment the Grand Prix.

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