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Hi Everyone! I'm the webmistress here, and I thought I'd throw in some disclaimers while I'm playing around.

Khorne, Slannesh, Bloodseed, and everything else that sounds familiar to 40k is copyright Games Workshop. I'm just having a bit of fun with it, since I'm not into miniatures. Don't freak out!

None of the images on this site are my own work! Some may be compiled by me, but none are my actual own artwork. For the great majority of them, I did an image search using Google. Others I had drawn for me. I respect all artist's work and acknowledge their copyright!

I don't mean any harm, but if there is something of yours on this page and you want me to remove it, please just ask. It will be done as soon as I get the E-mail. Promise!

Thanks for understanding.

Ja Ne!

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