Keanu plays Santa - June '03
Keanu Reeves was the saviour of the Matrix sequels as he gave back his $30million salary back to pay for the films expensive special effects budget. He has also revealed that his percentage of box office takings shall be spread across the sfx and costume people.
"I could live on what i've already made for the next few centuries"
Reloaded in Imax - June ' 03
The matrix reloaded has been launched in the US Imax theatres. The digitally remastered version of the blockbuster hit will be exploded onto screens up to eight stories tall and 12,000 watts of digital surround sound. Click the image below for full details.
Reloaded banned in EGYPT! - JULY 03
The Matrix Reloaded has been banned in Egypt on religous grounds.
Egyptian censors say that the film's storyline, about the search for the creator and control of the human race, may cause crisis.
Commenting on the violence in the film the critics said "screening the movie may cause troubles and harm social peace. 

Matrix Online 2004? - July 03
Warner Brothers have recently released the matrix online website. The game appears to be set after reloaded for a 2004 release. Hit the link for more info.
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