

A new browser WILL pop-up.

!!!!NEWS FLASH!!!!
The Space Camp Page!

This site now works with netscape...sort of. It's a lot better than before anyway!!! It works better with ie but netscape will do. I understand completely how some people cringe at the thought of opening of Macrosuck program so I fixed it. I'm not really sure why it didn't work with netscape in the first place but WHATEVER. You need a browser that supports frames to view this site. Javascript and....I don't think anything else... yea well I took the time to redo my site on the 24 of June (yes 2001). I hope to get the sketchbook up soon, but I probably won't. Oh well.

[ < | ? [class.of.*2003*] | @ | > ]

This site only for anarchists I suppose I'll make an exception for you....unless you happen to be LAURA GERMON!!! mwahahahah

Another Note: The "no right click" function is now removed from this site. sorry for any irritating inconveniences that may have been caused by it.


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