"B...b...but... We're supposed to be catching Pokémon, not sightseeing..." He sighed as she grabbed his arm anyway and dragged him towards the town square. He knew what was going to happen, what always happened when they got to a town. They'd get something to eat, then go for "a walk". She'd stop and he'd look to see her pressed close to a window (was it possible to be jealous of a window?) staring at some object inside like her very next breath depended on possessing it. He'd ask what was wrong, and she'd turn away. Her eyes would sag a bit and she'd be a bit vague, then dismiss everything with a small giggle. As they walk away, she'd steal a glance back at the window and a try to hide a soft sigh. And he'd break inside himself. Later he'd creep out and find the shop, spending what little money he'd managed to hide away from her since the last time. In the morning, he would hand it to her, and her eyes... her eyes... And for a moment, he would pretend that it was him that made her feel that way... And that was why he did it. * "I just want to look around." She grinned. It had been a long time since the last town, and she couldn't wait. It was so frustrating, being with him all the time and yet never letting him see. But in town... She could pretend, if only for a little while. They would eat in a restaurant with others, with real couples. They would talk and then listen, and she could pretend that it was normal. That it was real. And afterwards, they'd stroll along the sidewalk, maybe even hold hands. Like they were going home. Home. That was what she wanted. A home. A real one, with him. It didn't matter where, so long as he was with her. The shop windows reflected their image as they strolled along, and she would become enraptured by the sight. Sometimes he stopped with her, and it was beautiful - like an old family portrait hung on a wall for generations to smile at. When he continued walking without her, though, she'd stand at the window watching him disappear from the reflection, and she wondered if this perhaps was the future she was destined to see. But then he'd come back for her. And she lived for that moment, that feeling, despite the fear and the doubt that came before it. In the morning, he'd hand her a souvenir of their trip and she would pretend yet again. Pretend that he knew how she felt, and that he felt the same. And that was why she did it.