Name: Valua
Name's Value:
Value because it is the richest continent.
Land Type:
Upper Mid-Ocean area; North Ocean; Frontier Lands; above Nasr.
Accessible Places:
Upper City Valua, Lower City Valua, Maw of Tartas
Airships and Rail Car.
The whole kingdom of Valua is enclosed by mountains and guarded by the Grand Fortress. The clouds are always storm clouds there, because of the yellow moon's force, so it always appears dark with occasional thunder and lightning.
Mostly concrete buildings. Fancy places sometimes have marble and gold or silver. There is very fancy architecture in Valua. There are also many sewers underground leading everywhere.
Main Culture:
Valuans are forced into poverty by the royal family's supreme rule. Because of this, people of lower and upper city and the royal palace are all different.

Lower City Valuans: Anyone who was not born into a rich family or of noble or royal blood is forced to live in the dark, dank, disgusting, smelly, depressing Lower City. All of the men and women work all day for the Royal Family building battleships, new buildings, etc. They do so for low wages, completely against their own will in which they have no power over. Their jobs are chosen for them. After a full day's work, they return to their run down city to either tucker out in the tavern or stare out over the empty air at the Royal Palace and Upper city.The street lights are always a dim blue, the color making people feel even more depressed. There are many buildings in Lower City, the majority of them small houses for the citizens. There is no doubt that the people get clostrophobic in there. They have gas stoves and get very small rations. They eat black bread that they can easily chip their teeth on and other tasteless foods like that. A tourist sleeping there and waking up in the morning would feel like it would still be night time. The only reason people would generally come here is because it has a dock that remodels ships.

Upper City Valuans: I have one word to define them: snobs. Unlike Lower City, Upper City is beautiful and lit up with golden lights. The people here were born into rich families. People born into noble families also live here, no matter how poor or rich they are. Upper City Valuans most likely work at shops they own, are inventors for the Royals, or soldiers for the Imperial Armada. Nobles obviously work as advisors for the Royal family. The outsides of buildings are illuminated with beatiful golden lights. The people there think nothing of the lower city folk. The Upper City Valuans claim that they themselves are always too busy - with all of their parties, tea parties, and get togethers, not having a full understand of what lower city life is like. They like to have luxurious household items such as bath tubs made of pure gold and toilets made of pure silver. Almost all of the citizens here own mansions to top all that off. They have wonderful tasting white bread and have all sorts of delicacies like Flan, Tiramasu, sundaes, and all sorts of ice creams. They also love to drink their Valuan Loqua. People come here often to tour but they need a lot of money in their wallets to do so!

The Royal Valuans: These consist of people who work for the royal family or the royal family themselves. They live in even more glory than the Upper City Valuans if that's possible. Again, Valua is ruled my a monarchy. The almighty ruler is Emperess Teodora. As a dictator, she has total power over everyone and everything in Valua. She is also in charge of Valua's fleet army, the Imperial Armada. Galcian is the commander of the Imperial Armada while Ramirez is his 1st place officer, Captain of the Armada. There are five Imperial Admirals - Alfonso, Gregorio, Vigoro, Belleza, and De Loco (the 6th being Ramirez later in the game). There is also Enrique who is Prince of Valua and Emperess Teodora's son. They all wear wonderful, expensive clothing, often plated with gold or silver. If you thought of Kings and Queens in the Medieval days with all of the glory they lived in, it's sort of like that, but better.

Valuan Technology: The early Valuans were able to build palaces and temples of stone. The modern Valuans have thoroughly surpassed that. First off, they are the only race in Arcadia that use mechanicism. To better conserve the yellow moonstones they need for flying Airships (and moonstone cannon production) they use mechanical lighting with light bulbs such as us. That's one example of their main life style that they use mechanics. They also most likely have power plants to support it. They are heavy on armada ship building and cannons (like new armada battleships and harpoon and moonstone cannons). They build many armada ships for their fleets of all different kinds: cruisers, mage ships, battleships, and of course the admiral ships. They equip them with their best cannons and armor, which they are always coming out with new ones of. Another invention of the Valuans and their main way of getting around is the rail car. This is just like a regular train. They are red and have large, powerful lights needed to see through the darkness. They run on metal rails that go all around the Valuan cities and palace area. Of course, the Royal family has their own Royal Rail Car. Overall though, probably the best and most suffiient creation of the Valuans is The Grand Fortress. The Fortress is a giant green wall/door that is the only entrance in and out of Valua (in mid air anyway). Once every day, large spotlights flash around. The the door rotates half way around. This is the only time of day that merchant vessels and sailors may enter or exit Valua (the Armada may deploy from the Grand Fortress at will whenever needed though). First you must show you passport to one of the guarding Armada ships. When they let you through, you must remember that the door only stays open for a matter of minutes. The main side of the wall that is usually showing is the defensive side, able to endure attack well because it is fortified enough to do so. The flip side has many cannons for its offensive side. There are also 4 large tank-type cannons that rest atop 4 small islands in front of the fortress. All of these cannons were the ones that were able to defeat the Nasrean navy in the Valua-Nasr war 20 years ago. So where does Valua get all its money you ask? Well, Valua most likely had many gold mines. On top of that, they have immense trade because of their ship and ship part production which they need money for from selling other ships and ship parts, so it's a never ending cycle. But the Lower City Valuans are forced to work on the production of these. The final piece of entertainment they have is The Colliseum, where a Valuan Exocutioner kills anyone who violates Valuan laws. This is about the only thing that makes Lower City Valuans happy, the only event they are allowed to come to. The reason they love it? The people killed are in a worse position than they are.
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