Name: Soltis
Name's Value: Similar to the word solar, which makes sense since the architecture looks space like, and the Great Silver Shrine is in space.
Land Type:
Right in the center of Mid-Ocean, in Air Pirate territory.
Accessible Places:
Soltis itself.
Warping portals and speedy airships.
Description: Built on a large continent of rock which is completely covered in ceiling and towers of silvite architecture except for the rim of rock. It has a sheild that is impossible to get through, which is good for keeping out enemies.
The most unique and advanced architecture in the world of Arcadia. Buildings and other archtiecture is all silver-like with strange circuitry with lights flowing through. Sometimes paths and walkways make twinkling noises when you step on them. It's truly a wonder you have to see for yourself.
Like the Glacians, not much is known about the Silvite race. They have their own destructive gigas called Zelos. It has the power to change form, just like many of the other creatures they have created such as Cupil. They are all artificial creatures with artificial intelligence (not the actual silvites of course). All silvites wear distinct white clothing with golden designs on them and you can tell them by their small signs on their forehead. All young silvites have whiteish-true blonde hair. Fina is an example of a Silvite, one of the last still living. The other known silvites out there supposedly live in The Great Silver Shrine. These are known as the Elders. Long ago, the Elders used their power to make the Great Silver Shrine lift up into the sky along with themselves. This protected them from being hit by the Rains of Destruction. They also submerged the great Soltis into Deep Sky, never to be found again. Now, long after the Rains of Destruction, there is a new threat to Arcadia as people are trying to find the lost moon crystals to take over the world. The Elders sent a boy to look for the crystals in secret, but he never came back, so they sent another, Fina. They created warp portals as a fast way of getting around and special mini ships that are a shiny silver and really swift. They fly by shooting moonstone magic out of the back fins of the ships. That is pretty much what's known about the Silvite culture because telling you any more would ruin the story for those who have not finished. The main fact is that even after the Rains of Destruction and into today, they have always been the most advanced race of Arcadians.
Map coming soon.

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