Name: Ixa'Taka
Name's Value: Sounds Aztec, while the culture is much like the Aztecs.
Land Type: Continent
Location: West of South Ocean; South of North Ocean; above the Lands of Ice on the map.
Accessible Places: Horteka, Rixis, King's Hideout, Moonstone Mountain.
Moon: Green
Gigas: Grendel
Transportation: Airship and slides, ladders, poles, sliding platforms.
Description: A very jungle like area, in which Ixa'Taka is made up of very large islands floating at different altitudes.
Architecture: Made with wood from the trees in the area. Pretty much a series of tree forts all over the place that are all connected.
Culture: Very much like the Aztec Indians. They make large temples and such out of stone, and of course have a lot of gold. They like to make statues out of gold (such as the Golden Man discovery). They wear Indian masks and hold on to the legends of Quetaya, their god. Ixa'Taka has been sheltered from the rest of the world since the Rains of Destructions fell many generations ago, and people had not yet found the technology to pass through the sky rifts except for one race. The Valuans. Not too many years back, when Mendosa was still an Admiral of the Imperial Armada, the Valuans had created engines strong enough to withstand the power of the sky rifts. They were able to do this in secret while people still thought up ways to pass sky rifts. The Valuans explored and then found the land of Ixa'Taka, then put up an iron gate (looks like a net) so that no one else could enter. They strategized and then were able to sieze Moonstone Mountain. They then kidnapped Ixa'Takans and enslaved them to dig for moonstones. They then destroyed the ancient palace, the main center of all Ixa'Taka. They have done this for many years, the reason natives act aggressively towards newcomers. To ensure the King's safety, his high priests brought him to a small hide-out island not far away from Horteka. They have waited there, trying to uncover the mystery of where the lost city of Rixis is. It is said that there is a path in Rixis that leads to the temple holding the green moon crystal. The Ixa'Takans and the King are hoping that this will help bring Quetaya to their land to drive off the Valuans. Apart from the constant fighting they've had to go through, they have many ways of transportation. Horteka is made up of tree forts built all along the trees while some are close to the ground and others up in the canopy. To get between altitudes of the trees, people use ladders and poles. From the top they are able to sometimes use slides to get down (which is really fun and cool to go down in the game by the way). In same leveled areas, people use sliding platforms that run on rope cables to get across easily. To get food, the Ixa'Takans hunt just like any South American tribe would. They use spears and knives and they even have hunting arc boomerangs. Their main diet is on fruit and if they are able to get them, Ski Sardis are a rare delicacy. They hunt for animal meat.
Map coming soon!

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