Controlling People and Airships
Controlling People
Move around using the analog stick. Talk to people, activate things, and read about specific things such as a cannon or box you see to gain information about it by Pressing A. You must also press A to find chams on the ground. In some areas there may be a map on the lower right side of the screen. You can disable it or make it appear by pressing start. Pressing the X button allows you to access your character menu. The L and R buttons allow you to change the camera angle. The Y button allows you to switch to first-person view and look around.

Controlling Airships
Move forward or backward  by using the analog stick. You can also change the camera angle/direction by going left or right on the analog stick. Press X to access your character menu. L and R control how high or low you go. By pressing Start you can use your overworld map, Go to the bridge of the ship you are on, or save. You can access the map more quickly by pressing Y. You can not always choose all of the Start menu actions. It depends on what ship you are on and what is happening.
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