Stage Select
Play previously played levels. You can also go to Chao world in stage select. This way you can take your chao to the kindergarten or take or visit grden to garden. Here is a complete list of all the hero and dark story levels.
Hero Story
Sonic Levels
City Escape
Metal Harbor
Green Forest
Pyramid Cave
Crazy Gadget
Final Rush

Tails Levels
Prison Lane
Mission Street
Route 101
Hidden Base
Eternal Engine

Knuckles Levels
Wild Canyon
Pumpkin Hill
Aquatic Mine
Death Chamber
Meteor Herd
Dark Story
Shadow Levels
Radical Highway
White Jungle
Sky Rail
Final Chase

Dr. Eggman Levels
Iron Gate
Sand Ocean
Lost Colony
Weapon's Bed
Cosmic Wall

Rouge Levels
Dry Lagoon
Eqq Quarters
Security Hall
Route 280
Mad Space
Chao World
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