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Site Info
Why we made this site.
Why the Weird Name?
Neo Oozaru is the name of this website.  Neo means New in japenese and Oozaru means
Were - Monkey. Were - Monkeys are like
were - wolves in every way except for their physical description. They look like monkeys (obviously) except that they are giant, have huge muscles and evil eyes, vicous teeth, and they were created on the anime show Dragonball Z. We personally can't stand Dragonball Z but the idea of an Oozaru is cool. We chose this name because its different from other names you might find and it sounds cool to the staff ^_^!
Why Make a Site?
Each person that joined the staff of this site joined it because of their interests. Things like videogames are part of our interests and we want to share our knowledge to help other people. It also gives us something to do.
So What's Good About it?
It's a good place to get information and help about things or just to browse. Any videogames that we like and have played enough to want to make a page about, we make a page about. Hopefully our vistors may be interested in those games also and will be able to find out helpful information. We also give off information about our favorite anime. We add main topics to our site once in a while, so check on the homepage's sidebar to see if we've added anything. If we haven't, we've probably added things to our main topics or sub topics.
History of the Site
Electric Scythe wanted to create a web site based on his interests. He started to make plans for it in the Summer of 2000 by writing down as much info as he could on videogames and other things. Unfortunately he could not find a descent website hoster. Later he forgot about it. Then he rediscovered his work in 2002 and had new interests and felt a wanting for making a website more than before. Finally he got together with his friend Firebird who also wanted to work on a site. Firebird had some prior experience and told Electric Sythe about Yahoo! Geocities' free website builder. They worked on it together on the 23rd of November, 2002. Now Neo Oozaru is constantly being updated and is welcoming to all.
Staff etc.
Sorry, but all staff members of Neo Oozaru are long - time friends that have met with one another, and know each other well enough to have a strong trust. Though our visitors cannot be on the staff, they can ask us to be an affiliate if they have a website. We will first have to review the site, and if there are many common subjects and it is very well done, we will add it to our affiliate list.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws