About me


My online name is hubris. Since [email protected] was already taken, I decided to use neo_hubris instead. Hubris has a meaning in the English language, and it is defined as follows:

NOUN : Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance: "There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris" (McGeorge Bundy)

Pride, arrogance, I think those words describe my online presence very well. Sort of like those mythical Greek gods who were damned by their hubris. You can contact me at [email protected] just remove the "ANTISPAM" letters from the above email address and send me mail!


Anyway, my passion in life is MMA. MMA stands for Mixed Martial Arts and it is a fighting sport. It is fighting in it's purest form, striking - kicking, punching, kneeing - are combined with grappling and submission techniques. Perhaps the fighters who compete in these events are some of the most talented athletes in the world. I will add more MMA mp3s in the future so stay tuned!

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