Well, now we come to another different kind of page on the site.  This page is called Psi-Onide, and it is about Psionics, or in a more narrow definition, Psychic-Vampirsm.  The name is catchy, and this will be almost a sister site when it's at full capacity.  But for now, wait and hold on to your shit.  Foxx Out.
Basics, Vampire.  Being that feeds off other's blood, most common thought.  Now from that blood, vampires take a form of energy, a lifeforce if you will.  Now think, in a basic sense, that energy might be taken in others way besides the draining of blood.  And thus, psychic energy might come into play.  Psychic Vampirism isn't that far fetched, and this is my opening paragraph for the topic, so I won't go into much detail.  But I hope it gets you to read the rest of the shit.
My name's Foxx, as you know from my linking site.  You know all about me, and all about what I believe, but in the end, there is one thing I never talk about.  Beyond the fact of my mind being odd, I always felt different, I was as fast as most of the athletes in school, and could just sense things and feel things.  I thought I was weird or something, that something that I learned in life gave me that gift.  But that's kinda funny, and I started to research stuff.  Stuff on vampires for shcool, and I came upon the concept of energy vampires.  To me, this idea was new and intriguing.  If anything, it showed me just how close-minded even I was to the world of the paranormal.  So I started to look into it, and practice some of it on my own.  Learning as I went, things have gone smoothly, and I now know why I am the way I am, why I feel some things I feel.  More on that later, so, it's been about six months of learning right now, and I'm not even a novice, but it's interesting and it's part of who I am.
Sheilding is a way to protect yourself, Psy-Pal.  Your sheild filters out unwanted energy, and defends you from scanning to a degree.  It's like having a bubble, or coating over your skin so nothing can get in. 
Some of the signs of being a Psy-Vamp are as follows.  Becoming suddenly sensitive to light, mood swings, feeling drained after talking to someone, feeling powerful and energetic when another feels weak.
You see, I have some of my own tricks with Psionics, as I call them.  I use the affliction to tell when people are lying to me.  Or if they're upset and need my help.  But I am not a vampire prince, heh don't think that.  Another trick is flipping, you can always value a new perspective, and it helps your reflexes, just applying it to situations can be trickier than u think.
Most of the information here is my half-assed summary.  If you want the real stuff, I'll link you to a better site.
I emplore youto research this thoroughly before even telling a friend about it.

Vampire:  One that feeds off another.
Psionics:  Arts of Psychic Energy
Psi:   One with the Affliction
Affliction:  Pranic Vampirism, my term
Feeding:  Absorbtion of Prana
Prana:  Psychic Energy
Ethereal Veil:  Barrier of planes of existance
Way of the Sphere
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