Alrighty, this is Shrine of the Ex.  It's not for X, though I hear good things, but a shrine to some of the pain females have put me through.  This is soon to be called the lawsuit waiting to happen page.  My personal life is mine as well of those with I share it.  If you're one of the girls referred to here, then you know our relationship was about both of us, not just one of us.  And I hold all of you in high regard, so if you have a problem, come e-mail me, and I'll try to nix it.  Any, welcome to the Shrine.
First off, my first.  We'll call her B.  She was nice, and I really cared for her a lot.  But it was inept, and I now realize I was very selfish with her.

Next came the doozie, we'll call this one C.  Now this one was great, we shared the same soul, and our sense of humor and music.  It was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Then came R.  It was a rush, and it was very short.  She kinda just popped into my life one day and I was like O_O.

F, this is F.  When we got together it was like a damned dream come true.  She was pretty, sweet, responsible.  She gave me back a lot that I lost, and I felt great for a while.  Then I realized a lot about the capacity of addiction, it sucked ass.

Then came G.  She made me feel like I had a purpose again.  It was great.  Heh, she was such a gentle person.
Our relationship was very fun, I have a lot of great memories of the one called B.  It was my fault I guess things went foul, and I'm sorry about that.

We were madly in love, and the circumstances that ironically started us, finished us off.  We had so much joy, no wonder there were tears that put me into hell as a cost.  I cried for her, and at times, she for me.

We just screwed around the whole time.  And if it wasn't that, we were speaking in hushed voices to each other.

When it was good, we were so damned close.  Everything I missed, she gave to me.  She helped me grow.  When it was bad, it was just like talking to a wall.  She didn't realize a relationship was us, not just her.

We talked for hours about life, and what it had done to us.  There were a lot of things that were said on deep levels.
It all came crashing down because of another girl.  But to be fair, I told B I was having feelings about someone else.  She laughed at me.  Oh well.

It all came crashing down when I had to move.  There were so many forces set to tear us apart, and I caved under all the pressure.  I was weak, and for that weakness we both payed.  I'm sorry every time I think of her.

Just like she came, she left.  She just kinda dropped out and I moved on.  Maturity.

No this didn't work b/c she was fucking with my head the whole time we were together.  I hate her, even now the very thought of her makes my skin crawl.  It all came crashing down when I left, then she pulled the trigger.

One word, Walls.  Walls in her mind, life, and heart, I couldn't stand it any longer.  It all crashed down when she screamed, I left.
Who She Was
What "We" Were
How it all Ended
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