neo14789's Site

Other aliases: NeoDude, Return of Neo

FanFiction.Net: NeoDude

Forum Events
FFN Info
About Me
Writing Clinics
WPHS Activities

About Me

Uh... hiya.  I'm Neo. I'm a 16-year-old dude living in Woodland Park, Colorado, USA.  My hobbies include gaming, web surfing, and writing.

I've got two blogs running: one personal, one for everything else.  Take a look, leave a comment, subscribe to the Atom feed.  Enjoy.



On Neo, my main alias is neo14789, and I joined on May 25, 2003.  I have over 2,300 posts, and yet haven't gotten a Mod position in my life as a user.  I like to think of myself as just under the ledge of memberator... just under as in, just barely escaping conviction.

My Neofriends list is kinda long...  Let me see how much I can squeeze in.

Dark Shinobi - My faithful RP follower.  Plus he's usually there for me to vent on. ^^'  A never-ending source of amusement and character.

Mew Lover74 - Another RP member, and one of the few people I know with a backstory for themselves that sounds more odd than (or is the same as) the one for their RP character.

Satokasu Suki - Um... I honestly don't have a description for this one.  She's just nice to me.



I'm a n00b to FFN... I spend the most time on my Code Lyoko fic, but I'll read almost anything, provided I know what it is (or can figure it out by reading it; if I can't, I'll tell you so).

Janika - The one-person welcome wagon, and the one person who consistently reads CL:CU.  Thanks!


Teen Center

Pool tournaments:

Entered: 1

1st Place: 0

2nd Place: 0

3rd Place: 0

4th or worse: 0

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