
As a note, we do have a separate Historian from myself, who I will be working with on this page.  It will include things like minutes, treasurer's reports, etc.


Meeting: May 12, 2005

The meeting began at approximately 6:04 PM with five officers in attendance, as well as both Advisors.  Business included a summary of the fact that seniors would not be getting scholarship funds due to lack of FBLA funds, a special award to Jessica H. for excellence at state competitions, and an announcement that FBLA would be able to provide very little monetary assistance to president-elect Kelly Maxwell, our member proceeding to nationals in Orlando in mid-June.  Over the next few days letters will sent out to local businesses in hopes of raising funds.

A period of time was devoted to suggestions for both what should be included in the three newly consolidated officer positions (President, Secretary, and Historian), and also what could be done to raise money and to get more members next year.  Ideas included a car wash fundraiser and opening a store inside the high school itself, run by FBLA members.  Then nominations were taken for officer positions.  There was one for President, one for Secretary, and three for Historian. A vote was taken by ballot to determine the Historian.  The meeting broke up at about 6:47 PM.  New officers should report at 7 AM to room 16 next Wednesday.


Meeting: September 14, 2005

The meeting started at 6:03 PM. President Kelly Maxwell greeted everyone in attendance, spoke about what FBLA means to herself and the officers, and also introduced the other officers. She also spoke about her experience at FBLA Nationals last year. The Advisors pulled out a stack of applications and began to pass them around; they would be due (with fees) in a month and a half. As an icebreaker the officers led a name game to introduce everyone present.

Fundraisers for the year were discussed; the club will do Data Match later in the school year, and letter jackets will be sold as well. Suggestions were taken for new fundraisers as well. Among the ideas were a dance, a silent auction, and a raffle.

Membership forms and dues of $15 (plus the $30 activity fee) are due by November 1st.

The perks of being an FBLA member were explained. They included guest speakers and going to competitions. The meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM.

Meeting: October 19, 2005

The meeting started at 6:07 PM. Kelly welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded about due dates while attendance was taken. The meeting moved out into the second-floor landing of the new wing of the school for an icebreaker game named "Have You Ever...?" by the officers. Upon its completion the meeting moved back into the normal room and a promotional FBLA DVD was played.

A list of FBLA competitive events was passed around, and a few members talked about their experiences at compeitions. It was noted that the meeting on December 14th was moved to December 12th, a Monday.

There was a request for volunteers for Treat Street, who would need to arrive by 5 PM on the 26th of October to decorate doors and then pass out candy.

The requirement for the Peak Award were explained. There is a member quota, and certain other requirements must be fulfilled.

This website was online in time for the meeting. Future meeting times and dates will be posted when they become available.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:48.  


Page last updated: May 15, 2005

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