neo14789's Site

Other aliases: NeoDude, Return of Neo

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Type: Preexisting

Class: Offensive

Sissi is... a lot of things.  First, she's the daughter of the principal, and often gets off easy no matter what she does.  Second, she's in love with Ulrich, but is too shy to admit it.  Third, she's Kelly's sister.  In any case, she's bold and backed by most of the student body.

In Lyoko, Sissi uses twin blades for graceful combat.  She does 10 points of damage with each slash of each blade, they have reflective abilities, and they don't run out of ammo.  Her Ability is Prism, which allows her to split an incoming laser into many other lasers that shoot back at any enemies in her range.  It costs 50 Life to use.

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