neo14789's Site

Other aliases: NeoDude, Return of Neo

FanFiction.Net: NeoDude

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CL:CU - Summary
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Type: Preexisting

Class: Offensive

Odd is... well, odd.  He tends to be a bit crazy at times, and has no regard for his own safety.  He loves to dance, and (when not in class) is often found with his headphones on, listening to music.  He loves to joke around, and devises progressively more evil plots to mess with Sissi.

In Lyoko, Odd's character is speed-oriented.  He can run circles around the foe, but this is balanced by the somewhat small amount of damage he deals.  His Laser Arrow has 10 rounds, and each does 5 damage.  His Ability allows him to see into the future - but he can't choose when it activates.

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