neo14789's Site

Other aliases: NeoDude, Return of Neo

FanFiction.Net: NeoDude

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Vitals: Looks like Kelly in almost every way, except for jet black hair and brown eyes, and being a bit shorter.

Type: ACC (NeoDude)

Class: Offensive

Joe is Kelly's younger brother, who lived in the same house.  He's a master hacker, and a virus programmer.  He's the one that created Lyoko, some years ago.  Some of his soul is in XANA himself.

In Lyoko, Joe is a ninja, in a simple black outfit.  He carries throwing stars on his belt, which do damage equal to a Fan in the head from Yumi.  The limited ammo is balanced by the fact that he can pick up used stars... unless his Power is activated.  Joe's Power is Stealth Smash, which allows him to stealthily run up to an enemy, invisible, and plant a star in its weak spot.  When he's done, he reappears at the end of his trail, and releases the stars, causing them to explode for 30 damage, which kills anything that XANA attacks with.  The catch is that the stars used in this way can't be recovered.

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