
English Text: ?

Music: Rolf Brendel

German Version: Kino

(At the) Movies

I see a movie every Saturday night
I took a chance when they turned out the lights
Play the stars out of Hollywood
Me and Bogart - trench coat and hat
That’s okay!

Would you like it hot with Merril Lynn
Or better yet, with James Dean
I’m waiting for that happy end
I’m-I’m with Cary Grant
That’s okay!

It’s late at night
I’m watching the movies
Late at night comes the midnight shows
It’s late at night
I’m watching the movies
I never, never say no

In the first rows -one through ten
Sitting movie-crazies Pain and Flem[?]
Back of me, based in the night
They all think the monster’s died
That’s okay!

All the night - flesh and long knives
The dense fog - came the zombies
Oh my God, the Devil’s loose
I saw it all and what can I do?
That’s okay!

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