



Nemo's Pictures

March 13, 2003

I've made it through another milestone of nursing school. I've given an injection..yes, I have indeed given an injection. And yes, McKeesport is still the scary little ghetto that it was last time I was there.
March 11, 2003

The world better watch out..I'm now qualified to give injections :D

* * * *

On other news..delicious, freshly brewed green tea and keyboards do not mix as I so unfortunately found out in a freak accident where the green tea actually jumped from my mug onto my desk where my keyboard so innocently lay. Thank goodness for friends with extras as I now need to pull some random time out of my arse in order to undertake the cleaning of my favorite keyboad. Gotta love these freak accidents when your green tea hasnt learned to behave ;)
March 8, 2003

Well, spring break is over and I have returned to Pittsburgh. Now it's time to get this show on the road. There are only seven more weeks left of my sophomore year and I'm ready for 'em. More patients to bathe, change, assess, catheterize, and the list goes on. And with my luck I'm imaging that 5 out of those 7 weeks I'll be stuck in the isolation room with a TB patient or something of that nature, as I am quite prone to receiving those individuals in isolation. And I have ended my time on Presby's 8G and with Carmella. Now, there is a new crazy instructor at the scary little place of McKeesport. Yes, it is indeed a scary little place which I will probably refer to as "The Ghetto" in future posts. Seriously, the ghetto.

In other news, I'm officially excited about the upcoming wedding taking place in August which will unite Tebroc and Emm...two people totally meant for each other :) Yayz0rz!

Hey, I think my boredom paid off..I updated AND changed some more stuff around Nemo's Home trying to make it better place.

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