Pic of 'the Man.'

Brin Londo (aka. Timber Wolf)

Dex:11 Str:18 Body:20
Int:6 Will:6 Mind:4
Infl:4 Aura:3 Spirit:4
Init:25 HP:70


Skills: Acrobatics - 8, Charisma - 7, Martial Artist - 8

Advantages: Connections: LSH (High), Rimbor Underworld (Low),
Iron Nerves, Lightning Reflexes, & Sharp Eye.

Drawbacks: Serious Rage - 3

Alter Ego: Brin Londo Motivation: Unwanted Power

Occupation: Gang Leader of Wolf Pack, and Legionairre.

Wealth: 5


Background: A street gang leader on the planet Rimbor in the 31st century, Brin Londo's life was recently saved by Apparition of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Since then, Brin a.k.a. Timber Wolf is the self-appointed protector of Apparition and her new-born child. The individual members of Timber Wolf's gang are: Crody, Hubble, Rn'drr, Mash, and Rac.

900 pts.