Claire: I want you... NOW.
Stage Director: CUT!
Steve: Awww...

Steve: Ooooh! Claire!
Claire: Steve... what an animal! *growls*

Claire: Is that a luger in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
Jill: What are you DOING to him? Only I can do that! *blushes*

Jill: Oh... my... I see I've interrupted something...I'll be going now..
Thriller! Cuz this is Thriller night... and no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike...

Do the mash! Do the Monster mash!

Zombie #1: I get to eat Claire
Zombie #2: No way! I get to eat her!
Zombie #1: Oh really fool?
*they start fighting*
Alfred: You have a little something on your face...
<<<bAck                                                 pAgE 3>>>
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