Mr. X
Mr. X is the ultimate cyborg assasin. He was dropped out of a helicopter in Resident Evil 2, sent to Raccoon City to retrieve the G-Virus and kill any remaining survivors (Leon, Claire, Sherry, Ada, etc.) In the Claire B game, Claire tricks him into falling into a pot of liquid hot lava by throwing Sherry's charm down there. In the Leon B game, Ada shoots Mr. X and he falls, but not before fatally wounding Ada. He meets his demise either way by getting blown up by a rocket launcher. "You lose, big guy!"
Name: Mr. X, T-00, Tyrant 103
Games: Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil Survivor
Good or Evil: Evil
Age: -
Characteristics: bald grey head, red eyes
Relatives: other BOWs (bio-organic weapons)
Attire: green trenchcoat, brown gloves, big silver boots, belt, side-pack
Occupation: BOW (Tyrant)
Co-Workers: other BOWs
Abilities: fist smash, skewer & swipe (in 2nd form)
RE Match: Claire (j/k)
Notable Quote: -
Demise: Rocket Launcher
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